Liquidity Seekers

Access a range of market-making tooling and create efficient liquidity

SteakHut's smart contracts are cross-compatible allowing support for all key CLMMs and blockchains, the liquidity vaults are built for maximum composability allowing users to run sophisticated decentralised market-making for tokens.

Example use cases for SteakHut liquidity include protocols or market-makers looking to deploy decentralized market-making strategies for their tokens and creating deep DEX liquidity.

SteakHut is fully non-custodial allowing you to keep full control and ownership over your assets and liquidity

Composable and Cross-compatable Smart Contracts

The SteakHut Liquidity platform is compatible across all key CLMMs and blockchains allowing for liquidity seekers to manage their liquidity across multiple DEXes aggregated within one platform specialized for liquidity management and market making.

SteakHut is built to enable managers complete control and flexibility over their liquidity, allowing users to configure vault privacy settings, set fees, manage multi-range and multi-pool liquidity vaults, and have complete control over liquidity rebalancing and inventory management.

Simultaneous Multi-range Strategies

The liquidity vaults allow for up to 20 liquidity ranges managed within a single vault strategy. This allows managers to effortlessly deploy multiple price ranges, allocating capital to each range as needed.

This enables full liquidity composability for managers, allowing for the creation of sophisticated multi-range liquidity strategies. These ranges can be easily altered at any time directly from the SteakHut dApp.

Cross-fee Tier Multi-pool Vaults

Multiple AMM fee tiers can be deployed and managed concurrently within a single vault strategy. As easy as deploying multiple ranges, users can spread liquidity across multiple fee tiers and allocate a set proportion of their liquidity to each fee tier.

This enables sophisticated market-making strategies and simple management of liquidity held across multiple liquidity pools.

Real-time Market-Making Analytics

SteakHut's on-chain subgraph compiles real-time data, allowing liquidity seekers full transparency and insight into their strategies.

Our analytics page is available automatically for all liquidity vaults and can be used to track performance metrics as well as provide insights into asset compositions, volumes and fees generated, and other critical benchmarks.

Incentivized Concentrated Liquidity

Concentrated positions and liquidity strategies can be incentivized with liquidity mining rewards both directly from the SteakHut dApp and externally through other platforms.

Users depositing into specific strategies receive a SteakHut LP token unique to that strategy, which can be staked to earn additional rewards. This ERC-20 token facilitates easy incentivization of concentrated liquidity positions through common farming contracts.

Protocols and liquidity seekers can contact the SteakHut team to discuss deploying a liquidity reward program directly from the SteakHut platform.

Last updated