Bridging $STEAK
An omnichain future!
1) Navigate to the SteakHut dApp and connect your wallet
If you haven't already, download a trusted web3 wallet like Metamask, Trustwallet, or Corewallet and ensure that you have enough blockchain tokens to cover gas fees.
Head over to the SteakHut website and launch our dApp.
Select the "Connect" button in the top right corner, and approve your wallet to connect with SteakHut.
2) Select Bridge
On SteakHut you can bridge your $STEAK cross-chain with ease. Select STEAK bridge via the drop-down menu from the dApp.
Select the chain to send the STEAK from and the destination chain to send the STEAK to.
Enter the amount of STEAK to bridge across or send across a select allocation of your STEAK with the toggles (10%, 25%, 50% or max)
Select "bridge" and approve the transaction when prompted via your wallet.
Note bridging across blockchains can take time, please allow a few minutes for bridging to take place. The SteakHut dApp will display notifications keeping you updated on the progress as you bridge your tokens.
Note: If you experience difficulty bridging tokens, remove decimal places and reattempt bridging.
Last updated