Creating a vault

1) Navigate to the SteakHut dApp and connect your wallet

If you haven't already, download a trusted web3 wallet like Metamask, Trustwallet, or Corewallet and ensure that you have enough blockchain tokens to cover gas fees.

Head over to the SteakHut website and launch our dApp.

Connect your wallet to the dApp by navigating to the top right corner and selecting connect. Ensure you are connected to the desired blockchain in which you would like to create a vault.

2) Select "Create"

To navigate to the Create Vault section, simply choose the "Create" tab or "Create Pool" from the liquidity homepage.

When creating a vault the SteakHut creation page will walk you through configuring your desired vault settings.

  • Choose a DEX: First, choose which popular concentrated DEX you would like to deploy your chosen liquidity vault. Also check that you are currently connected to the appropriate blockchain, in this example we are using the Avalanche blockchain.

  • Select a Pair: Select both tokens for which you would like to create a strategy. By pressing "Select a Token" you can search across a range of tokens by either token name, symbol, or contract address. Also, note that the order of the tokens is irrelevant; i.e. Selecting AVAX as Token 1 and USDC as Token 2 is the same as the reverse order.

  • Select Fee Tiers: Choose from one to multiple fee tiers in which to supply liquidity within the vault. The SteakHut UI will help display popular fee-tiers for a select token pair. Note: The SteakHut dApp supports multiple fee tiers within a single vault strategy.

3) Configure vault settings

After selecting the pool and fee tier to deploy your vault you can now configure the vault settings. Also, note it is possible to edit all of these settings post-deployment at any time.

  • Privacy Settings: SteakHut allows users to deploy either a private or a public vault. By default, the vault will be publically available, which will enable anyone to search for and deploy within the strategy directly from the SteakHut dApp. To create your own private vault or a vault for solely your community toggle to enable the private vault option.

  • Management Fee: The user can adjust the management fee to their preference. The management fee is a performance fee that is only accrued on the swap rewards of the strategy not on the underlying capital and not on depositing or withdrawing.

  • Fee Receiver: Enter the wallet address in which you would like to receive the management fees.

4) Select Create Pool and Approve Transaction

After configuring all settings and choosing your desired pool you can simply select "create pool" and when prompted confirm the transaction within your wallet.

After confirming the transaction in your wallet the user interface will display a loading widget as the underlying liquidity vault is being created and deployed.

After successful completion, you will receive confirmation that the pool has been created as well as the contract address for the strategy. You can now select "View Pool" or navigate to your pool via the liquidity tab to open the strategy and begin depositing and managing.

Last updated