Structuring Liquidity
SteakHut's vaults allow for multiple liquidity positions managed within a single vault, this creates endless ways to structure and manage your liquidity. Below are a few common examples of strategies that become possible through deploying mutliple liquidity positions.
Balanced (normal, gaussian)
In a balanced distribution, capital is concentrated around the active trading range and tapered towards the end of the price range in a bell curve or Gaussian distribution.
Having liquidity concentrated around the active bins allows users to capture higher trading fees. The more distributed model allows the strategy to capture a larger price range with less chance of being priced out of the active price range.
Concentrated (spot, uniform)
Concentrating your liquidity tightly around a small price range can be seen as a more aggressive investment approach.
Tightly concentrating your liquidity on the active price captures a high share of swap fees, achieving a higher APR, and ensuring all capital is used efficiently.
However, as the token price changes, your position may become priced out of the active price range and will no longer receive trading fees.
Also, since only the active price tick has both assets, a shift in price will result in the LP’s position being 100% comprised of the underperforming asset.
Uniform (max, evenly distributed)
A uniform distribution can be seen as the most risk-averse approach, which emulates a similar model of distribution to the x*y=k DEX V1 design.
Using this option, LPs can distribute their liquidity evenly across a larger price range.
Since your position is diversely spread you will be able to capture trading fees without worrying about being priced out of the active price range. However, a larger price range results in inefficient liquidity allocation, meaning a much lower APR on trading fees.
Bid-ask (volatile, parabolic)
A parabolic distribution allows the capturing of trading fees at the extreme ends of the price range. These ranges generally have lower levels of liquidity allowing for LPs to potentially capture a higher share of trading fees in less active bins.
During highly volatile times, this strategy could allow the liquidity provider to capture higher APR trades, however, during stable markets, the liquidity remains unused.
It also behaves in a similar way to ranged orders. It could be used by the LP to average down their allocation or take profit when prices increase.
Range orders
Concentrated liquidity DEXes allow for range orders that can act in a similar way to traditional buy/sell conditional orders. It can also allow users to automate dollar-cost-averaging on their selling or accumulating of tokens.
Buy range order
Since only the active price tick contains both tokens, the LP could concentrate their liquidity at a lower price to effectively buy the underperforming token at a lower price target.
Example: AVAX-USDC Pool, the LP could deposit USDC concentrated around the $10 price, when the pool trades below this price the USDC is converted into AVAX. The LP can then withdraw liquidity, which contains solely AVAX tokens.
Sell range order
The LP could concentrate their liquidity at a higher price to effectively sell the overperforming token to take profit.
Example: AVAX-USDC Pool, the LP could deposit AVAX concentrated around the $100 price, when the pool trades above this price, all AVAX is converted into USDC. The LP can then withdraw liquidity, which now contains solely USDC.
Dollar-cost averaging
Similar to range orders, the LP could deposit a single asset into multiple price ticks around their price target. This allows the user to buy or sell tokens leading up to their target.
In this scenario, the LP earns swap rewards during the strategy and does not incur fees themselves.
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